17-18.08.2019 XIII international dog show in Białystok
HPGW, Multi JCH Iris Magic Flower Barbie
Junior class: ocena dokonała, lokata I/4, Złoty Medal, Zwycięzca Młodzieży
Judge: Rafał First (PL)
7-8-9-10 of February 2019 - BUDAPEST INTERNATIONAL WINTER DOGSHOWS Elin Land Yuvonne la Fleur – first day she was presented in junior class: Exl 1st, JBOB. All other days she was presented in intermediate class: 3x Exl 1st , 1xCACIB, 1xR.CACIB and BOS. Now she is also Junior Hungarian Champion and started her Hungarian Champion and International Champion. Judges: Zsolt Bíró, Gyula Sárközy, Gróf Szilvia, Istvan Csikos Csik, During those 4 days we presented only Yvi, but the spent time was extremely beneficial for our youngest star – Barbie. She was training on the ring and she did great – you can see it on the subpage Barbie. Last weekend we have spent in Lendava, Slovenia. Ori and Yvi participated in two CACIB shows. Thank you judges: Marija Kavcic (SI) and Laszlo Erdos (HU)
Ori – 2x exc.1, 2x R.CACIB
Yvi – 2x exc.1, 2x Junior Winner and 2x Junior BOBLatest articles